Top 5 Scale Problems and How to Fix It

For the many businesses that use a scale in any part of their daily operations, that scale is a crucial part of the process. When it is not functioning properly, not only can it severely disrupt your production line, but it can lead to a lot of unwanted aggravation. 

There are a few common problems that can often be fixed with some minor attention. However, it should be noted that before doing any troubleshooting on your own, you should consult with your supplier or manufacturer as this could void any warranty you may have. 

Pharmaceutical Plant Workers Using Scale

Below are the top 5 scale problems and how you can fix them. 

Scale Problem #1: Lack of Power

Most scales require electricity to run. So when the scale doesn’t power on or it doesn’t seem to have any power at all, it may not be connected. And while it could be any number of issues, checking the power source is a good place to start. Make sure that it is securely plugged into the outlet. 

Many times these cords accidentally get unplugged and simply require you to plug it back in. However, if it is plugged in and you are still facing a lack of power, then you may want to take a moment to check for any frayed wires or damage to the cord. Any visible damage to the power cord could result in power issues — and may be a fire hazard. 

If you don’t see any cord damage, test the power supply of the cord, the outlet, and the adapter. This should help you to narrow down the faulty area. 

Scale Problem #2: Inaccurate Readings

Calibration is so important when it comes to getting accurate readings on scales of all types. And, at a minimum, it should be done every year. If this is something you haven’t done in a while, perhaps your scale is not calibrated and can explain your inaccurate readings.

Follow your manufacturer’s instructions for calibrating your specific scale. Once you do, test the scale to make sure the reading is correct. If it isn’t, then it could be another issue, such as having a broken component within the scale. 

At this point, it is best to speak to a scale expert at your supplier or manufacturer to determine the issue. 

Scale Problem #3: Inconsistent Readings

You rely on your scale to give you consistent readings. If you find that it isn’t, there could be a couple of reasons why. 

Drifting refers to a scale that fluctuates with its readings due to water exposure. If your scale is used in or near water or has been exposed to rain or floods, you could be dealing with drifting. If exposed to water, load cells, cables, the junction box, and other areas of the scale can be affected. Turn it off until it has a chance to dry out. 

If there is no way that water is the culprit, perhaps you are experiencing electrical issues or even have loose connections. Double-check your wires and cords and make sure everything is secure.

Scale Problem #4: Battery Problems

Some scales run on batteries. And while having no power can alert you to batteries that are likely dead, sometimes there can be issues with displays blinking, taking too long to display a weight, or doing other strange things. This could be the sign that your batteries are getting low, but aren’t quite dead yet. Or, there may be a battery leak inside the scale. 

Try replacing your batteries with a fresh batch and see if that makes a difference. 

Scale Problem #5: Error Codes

Error codes were designed for manufacturers to help you troubleshoot issues with the scale. If you have your manufacturer’s manual, each error code should be listed so that you know what it means and how to address the problem. 

If you don’t have your manual, a quick search on the internet can often lead you to a list of manufacturer codes. 

If all the troubleshooting tips and solutions have been tried and your scale is still not working, there are several options to consider.

scale repair and maintenance
  1. Further Diagnosis: You can continue to explore additional troubleshooting guides to try and identify the problem with your scale. By following step-by-step instructions and utilizing different techniques, you may be able to uncover the issue causing the malfunction.
  2. Technical Support: Contacting the technical support line of the manufacturer is another option. They have experienced technicians who can assist you in determining whether your scale can be fixed or if it needs to be replaced. You can reach out to them for guidance and support, providing them with details about your scale’s problem and any troubleshooting steps you have already taken.
  3. Service Request: If the technical support team recommends it, you can submit a service request. This will allow a professional technician to examine your scale and provide a personalized recommendation on whether it can be repaired or requires a replacement. They will have the expertise to diagnose the problem accurately and suggest the best course of action.
  4. Replacement: If all else fails, you have the option to shop for a new scale. There are various high-quality digital scales available on the market, offering a wide range of top brands and models to choose from. You can explore different options that suit your needs and preferences, ensuring you find the perfect weighing equipment to replace your malfunctioning scale.

Tried all that, now what? What are some reasons to consider purchasing a new scale?

There are various reasons to consider purchasing a new scale if you are experiencing issues with your current one. First, if you have exhausted all troubleshooting tips and your scale continues to malfunction, it could indicate that it is beyond repair. In such cases, investing in a new scale would be a practical solution to ensure accurate and reliable weight measurements. (PS: we also recommend working with a scale sales person and discuss how you will be using the scale and what environment you will be using the scale.)

Older scales may lack precision and accuracy over time due to wear and tear. If you frequently rely on precise weight measurements, such as for shipping or parts counting, it may be beneficial to replace your scale with a new one that can provide more precise readings.

Lastly, purchasing a new scale allows you the opportunity to explore a wider range of options. There are numerous brands and models available in the market, each offering unique features and designs. By shopping for a new scale, you have the chance to find one that aligns with your specific needs and preferences, ensuring a more satisfactory weighing experience.

Contact the Experts at Central Carolina Scale 

If you have followed any of these troubleshooting tips, but you find that your scale is still not working right – or if you believe that you are in need of a new scale altogether – then contact the experts at Central Carolina Scale at (919) 776-7737.