We sell, repair, calibrate & rent scales

Scale Labels

Scale Labels

Scale Labels from many of the top scale manufacturers are available for your weighing needs. Our supermarket catalog offers over 1300 high quality stock and custom label selections for the leading thermal weigh scale printers like the CAS CL5000, LP1000 and Ishida Astra. We typically offer same day shipment of in stock standard labels for scales and ten to fifteen working day shipments of custom label orders. Flexible scheduling and outstanding label manufacturers give us a competitive advantages, etc in meeting your delivery requirements. You will find our customer service and commitment unmatched in the industry. Call (919) 776-7737 or fill out our Request a Quote form for more information. Also, you can click here for our Supermarket Scale Labels Catalog (pdf file)

Labels for Scales

We have decades of experience providing customers with label printing scales and related equipment. A good, high quality roll of labels is mandatory for these scales in the food service industry. We have many different types and sizes of labels including Safe Handling Instruction Labels, Ingredient, UPC Barcode etc. Although we specialize in CAS and Ishida labels, we do have a wide variety of other brands available including Berkel, Bizerba, Digi, Global, Hobart, Kubota, TEC, Toledo and Weldotron. Call us at (919) 776-7737 for a price quote and availability.