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When it comes to stainless steel over/under checkweighing scales, many of our customers choose Doran Scales. Lots of folks remember the old 4200 from Doran, in fact many of those are still being used by customers. Doran built the 2200CW scale utilizing all their experience they have obtained over thirty years of designing and building stainless steel scales. The result is an exceptional checkweigher that is available from your friends at Central Carolina Scale, an authorized Doran Scales dealer.
In case you aren't certain what we mean when we say check weighing, here is a quick overview. In quite a few businesses, they need to know how much product is inside a box or can. Often the easiest way to do this is to weigh the box on a scale. You program the scale with an ideal target weight that you would like the box to have. Then, you setup a low tolerance and a high tolerance. Usually, any weight that falls between the target weight and the tolerances is classified as acceptable. The scale owner has the ability to set these target weights and tolerances. Also, these can vary depending on the product you're weighing as well.
250 Product Database
Store, recall, and weigh with the 2200CW built-in database! This internal database will store up to 250 Checkweigh Tolerances, Tare Weights, Accumulation and Counter totals, and six-digit Product IDs. Recalling a product from the database is as simple as pressing the PROD button and entering the product ID. Adding new products or maintaining existing products is quickly accomplished through the keypad or through the optional CheckWay Windows™-compatible software. The data is password-protected to ensure that your products are checkweighed properly every time. Handwritten production records to track weighments or accumulated weight are a thing of the past with the 2200CW Digital Weight Indicator. The counter memory stores the number of weighments. Recalling the accumulated weight at the end of a pallet load of product or at the end of the shift is as simple as pushing a button.
Versatile Communication Options
Connect with any device or computer using the two standard RS-232 ports, or with the optional Wired Ethernet, Wireless Ethernet, Modbus/TCP, USB, 4-20mA, RS-485, or Fiber Optic. Communicate with flexible and user-definable data strings to include standard scale information, product ID, and product description. This allows for an easy interface with barcode printers, data collection systems, or other remote devices.
Powerful Control Options
Control your process with eight standard setpoint outputs and two setpoint inputs. The optional relays can be mounted inside the enclosure to provide a turnkey, washdown, and compact solution. Use board level outputs and relays to control lights, valves, or any other process control based upon scale weight or checkweigh status.
CheckWay Software (optional)
It’s never been easier to upload, download, and maintain checkweigh tolerances than it is now with CheckWay. This optional software, recommended by Central Carolina Scale, is designed for use with the Doran 2200CW Digital Weight Indicator's internal database through standard or optional communication choices. Simply enter the product ID, Description field, Checkweigh parameters, and Tare weights, and then select the scale(s) to upload to or download from. Scale setup files are saved on the PC, so configuring several scales with identical data is easy and accurate. Programming hundreds of product parameters takes minutes instead of hours.
Guardian Harsh Environment Protection System
Engineered to thrive in the harshest of working environments, the Model 2200CW features the Guardian Harsh Environment Protection System. All components of this system act as your defense against the damaging effects of shock, water, abuse, and other environmental factors that can cause costly repairs and production downtime.
1000% Overload Base
No, that's not a typo! Our unique "Quad-Spring" design protects the sensitive load cell from shock and overload damage. Protected to a maximum of ten times the base load rating, this design sets the new industry standard—a feature available only from Doran. Take a "peek under the hood" to see what's inside our DXL scale base.
Standard Features
Specifications Capacities: 5 lb (2.3 kg) to Options
Communications Interface
Optional Setpoints
Advanced Features
2 x .0005
0.9 x .2g
32 x .01
5 x .001
2.3 x .5g
80 x .02
22010CW |
10 x .002 |
4.5 x 1g |
160 x .05 |
15" x 15"