What is the Best Ntep 5×5′ 5,000lbs Floor Scale?

I saw this question recently while I was doing some reading…. What is the best NTEP 5×5 5,000lbs floor scale? So, I thought let’s see if it can be answered as honestly as possible. First off it would great if we could take seven or ten different floor scales built by various domestic and foreign builders and run them through all kinds of rigorous tests and see which ones survived!

But unfortunately we don’t have the support or funding to put together such a test. So we are left with reading the scale data, understanding who the manufacturers are who build the scales, and our own experiences with various floor scales.

What is the Best NTEP Floor Scale?

You need to add a modifier to the question above. What is the best NTEP floor scale for weighing pallets?  What is the best NTEP floor scale for weighing recycled metal? Or what is the best NTEP floor scale for under $1000.  The answer to the questions above are probably not the same device.

Of course if you’re just shopping online for floor scales there is an unlimited number of websites claiming to be the “experts” and offering reliable this and that. It can get very confusing online, especially if price is your number one requirement.  

Durability versus Value in Weighing Equipment

In my experience with industrial scales, there are different types or levels of “industrial” scales. So when you examine the original question what is the best NTEP 5×5 5000lbs floor scale, how would you define “best”?  Are you referring to the best price?  Are you referring to the roughest and toughest scale platform?  How you define “best” is going to determine how this question is answered.

platform scale

We’ve talked about the balance between durability and cost before. Sometimes we also refer to it as the balancing act between accuracy and value. However you want to label it, the truth is that there is a reason why a NTEP 5×5 5000 LB floor scale can cost $1200 and there is also a reason why a different NTEP 5×5 5000 LB floor scale can cost over $3000. It’s often found in the construction of the scale platform and the true weight of the scale platform. 

The Customer Needs to Decide What is Important in a Warehouse Scale

We get the question(s) all the time from perspective floor scale buyers.  Why is this scale so much more than this scale?  Why should I choose this scale? What do you think I should do?  The best way to describe the situation is you’re comparing “Light Industrial” vs “Industrial” weighing equipment.  

I’ve told the story before about a 4×4 floor scale in our shop but I will tell it again. I was used to picking up (with the forklift) light weight import floor scale decks which usually weigh around 220 lb. We have them in our rental fleet. Then, I picked up a B-Tek Clydesdale that one of our customers was purchasing and it was a solid 300 pounds! So the difference between the two types of NTEP scales was approximately 80 pounds. 

btek clydesdale floor scale with ramp

The same concept will be true with a 5×5 as well. The import scale will be light industrial and the domestic built B-Tek Clydesdale or Rice Lake Roughdeck will be Industrial tough. You, the end user, need to determine if it is worthwhile for you to spend the extra money or not. And honestly, it can be difficult for some folks to look at a scale that is eighty pounds heavier and say it costs twice as much. In other words is eighty pounds worth $2000 more?  Some customers choose to buy two or three of the light industrial scales for the same price. Others choose to buy the heavy duty industrial scale. 

In my opinion if you’re weighing things that are anywhere near half capacity or greater on the majority of your weighments OR if the scale is a major part of your work flow, then you probably need to go ahead and purchase the industrial floor scale that we offer like the B-Tek Clydesdale for example.

The Clydesdale is built tough and should last you for many years of service. Sure it could have some kind of an issue every now and then and you will have to replace a load cell or a homerun cable but the overall scale system itself should last for many years.

Vulnerable Parts & Components of a Floor Scale

Of course the main issues you have to worry about with any floor scales are (1) dropping or shock loading instead of gently setting a pallet on the scale, (2) ripped homerun cables, and (3) forklifts driving over the corner of the scale and wiping out load cell(s) and the foot. How do you prevent some of this from happening? Talk with forklift drivers about setting a pallet on the scale. Use some cable armor or piping to protect the cable. Use angle iron around the perimeter of the scale.   

So, when we look at the original question, what is the best NTEP 5×5 5,000lbs floor scale? Remember I said it depends.  The answer is probably the B-Tek Clydesdale if you’re looking for something that will provide many years of heavy duty industrial use. However, if you’re more concerned about costs and you’re just looking to weigh a pallet every now and then, you might consider the imported Inscale IN7620. Contact our sales department for additional pallet scale purchasing advice.





How Long do Industrial Weighing Scales Typically Last?

It’s perfectly reasonable after you’ve made the investment in a scale system to ask the question how long do industrial weighing scales last?  The answer can vary but there are numerous things you can do to prolong the life of your industrial scale.

How Long Do Industrial Scales Last?

The best way to prolong the life of your electronic weighing scale is to take care of it. Seems pretty simple but you’d be surprised how many folks purchase a scale and immediately throw the box away. Now transporting the scale can be a problem. If they need to ship the scale to the factory under warranty repair they have no box to ship the scale. Always keep the box for at least several months.  

To answer your question, a good quality industrial scale should last for many years. However, there are multiple factors involved that can lengthen or shorten this lifespan. I can’t help but remember the old Mettler Toledo 8433 retail scale. We used to sell those scales to local farmers and produce sellers every year. We were always impressed with how well those performed. In fact, I still see a 8433 in use at a strawberry farm near my home.  

However, with pressure to keep prices low, the quality doesn’t seem to be as good these days on many products, not just imported scales. So, if you’re looking to buy a heavy duty industrial floor scale with the idea of it lasting for decades, we suggest you contact our sales department so we can assist you with making a quality purchase. 

floor scale with ramp

Price is certainly one point worth mentioning. If you are looking to purchase your scales mostly due to low prices online, you are probably going to be disappointed in the long term usefulness of your weighing equipment. Often, there are multiple corners being cut in order to build an “industrial scale” that is priced hundreds of dollars less than the reputable brands. Some online buyers figure this out early on but unfortunately many other buyers don’t learn about this until it’s too late.

Getting back on topic of how to take care of your scales… Make sure you keep your scale clean. You’d be surprised how often folks don’t clean around their floor scales or truck scales. Then all of the sudden you have buildup that gets wedged under the scale platform and your weights are now incorrect.  It’s a good idea to check for this periodically.

cheap floor scale

It’s also a good idea to protect the area around your scales. If you have a truck scale, use poles or guardrails to make sure drivers don’t hit the side of your scale or drive off your scale. We actually addressed truck scale lifespan previously as well. If you have floor scales, put some angle iron or bumpers down to protect the platform scale from overzealous forklift drivers who try to make your warehouse into a speedway.

Another idea that often helps warehouses or recycling centers is to protect your homerun cables that are connected between your digital weight indicators and your floor scales. These 20 foot long cables are very important and they are notorious for getting damaged somehow. It could be a cut, getting crushed, someone trips over the cable and rips it (and the digital weight indicator) off the desk, etc…  There are various ways to protect the cable. One way to do that is to use a cable armor which provides a hard shell around the cable.

It’s also a good idea to have your scales checked regularly by your local scale company. For those of you around central North Carolina, that would be Central Carolina Scale (919) 776-7737. These regular scale checks can sometimes bring things like slightly cut homerun cables or scale buildup to your attention. If scale downtime is a big deal for your business, you might want to discuss having spare parts on hand with your scale company, particularly if they don’t stock parts for your particular scale(s).

I hope this how long do industrial scales last entry has helped you. It has kind of rambled into various directions but the intent was to help you prolong the life of your industrial scale that you purchased. Whether it’s a crane scale or a truck scale or a platform scale. Be sure to contact our sales department if you need some product recommendations.  We have over forty years worth of experience selling, calibrating, and repairing digital scales.


Can Industrial Scales be Integrated with other Systems?

A popular question that we receive quite often is can our industrial scales be integrated with other systems?  The answer almost always is Yes. 

One popular example of this which we see all the time is the ability to connect our Mettler Toledo BC60 shipping scale to our computer and see the weight populate directly into our UPS Worldship computer program. By having a system connection like this, we no longer have to take the time to read the scale and type the weight into the software. So there is no question we save a little time with each shipment and we probably save ourselves from a few errors of typing the wrong weight. 

By the way, we don’t have it on our system (yet) but we also have the ability to connect a dimensional measurement device to your shipping scale as well. 

Often the ability to connect a scale with other systems will depend on the communication options that the scale weight indicator has available. For example, most digital scales these days still come standard with RS-232 serial communication. 

nci shipping scales by Avery Weigh-Tronix

So if you need other types of connections like USB or Ethernet then you will need to work with your scale company to determine the best scale controller to utilize for your particular weighing application.

The good news is with proper planning ahead of time, this can usually be easily setup to work with your existing system. We have connected scales to everything from computers to batching systems to a PLC, and more. 

Another scale communication subject to think about is the ability to capture the weight data and save it to a USB drive. We’ve discussed this capability before.

If you’re interested in buying industrial scales and connecting them to your existing systems be sure to contact our sales department by completing the RFQ form on our site today. 

High-Precision Feed Wagon Scale Kit – Effortless Feed Management

Feed wagon scale kits help farmers measure feed weight accurately. Learn about their key components and benefits for efficient farm management with a feed wagon scale kit.

  • Feed wagon scale kits are crucial for precise feed management, helping farmers maintain livestock health and comply with regulatory standards.

  • Key components of the kit include alloy steel strain gauge load cells, stainless steel digital weight indicators, and junction boxes, all working together to ensure accurate weight measurements.

  • Regular maintenance and calibration are essential for longevity and accuracy, preventing common issues such as inaccurate readings and erratic behavior.

Understanding Feed Wagon Scale Kits

loadcell kit

Feed wagon scale kits are essential tools that help farmers manage feed with high precision. They consist of several critical components, such as load cells, digital weight indicators, weigh bars, and junction boxes, working together to provide accurate weight measurements. Utilizing these kits aids in quality control, allowing farmers to assess the weight and quality of feed for livestock.

Precise feed management with feed wagon scale kits is essential for maintaining livestock health and optimizing feed efficiency. These kits also help farmers comply with regulatory standards by providing accurate measurements necessary for reporting and certification.

Key Components of a Feed Wagon Scale Kit

feedwagon scale kit

A feed wagon scale kit comprises several key components that deliver accurate feed weight measurements. These include load cells, a digital weight indicator, and a junction box with interface cables, all ensuring precise weight measurement and data transmission.

Load Cells

Load cells, the backbone of any feed wagon scale kit, convert force into electrical signals for precise weight measurements. These transducers ensure accurate feed weight in wagons, with strain gauge load cells favored for their accuracy and reliability.

Made from nickel-plated alloy steel, these load cells are durable and feature 200% overload protection, perfect for demanding farming environments. Kits usually include four NTEP load cells with various capacity ratings to suit different farm needs.

Digital Weight Indicator

The digital weight indicator provides real-time, precise weight readings, enabling quick adjustments during feed preparation. With enhanced visibility, especially in bright conditions, stainless steel models like the Cardinal 205 are built to withstand harsh environments and washdown settings.

Digital indicators offer various connectivity options such as multiple RS232 ports and USB interfaces, facilitating data logging and system integration. The NTEP bright LED display in the kit features a wall-mounting stand and RS-232 connectivity, ensuring versatility and user-friendliness.

Junction Box and Interface Cable

The junction box connects multiple load cells to the digital weight indicator, ensuring streamlined communication and efficient operation. For example, the JB4SS TuffSeal junction box combines outputs from two to four load cells and allows additional junction box connections.

Interface cables transmit signals from load cells to the weight indicator, maintaining data integrity. The EL204 signal trim junction box combines load cells used in various applications like hoppers, tanks, or livestock, ensuring accurate data transmission.

Benefits of Using Feed Wagon Scale Kits

cardinal 205

Feed wagon scale kits enhance precision farming by allowing accurate measurement of feed quantities, ensuring optimal resource use. Farmers can mix the right feed profile using a grinder mixer, ensuring livestock receive necessary nutrients, promoting healthier livestock and optimizing growth.

Feed wagon scale kits significantly reduce costs by minimizing feed waste through accurate portioning. They also enhance inventory management by allowing farmers to monitor and track feed levels accurately. Data logging software integration further improves tracking and analysis, leading to increased productivity and cost reductions.

Additionally, feed wagon scale kits foster accountability among farm employees through precise measurements.

Installation and Setup

Proper installation and setup of a feed wagon scale kit ensure optimal performance. This involves steps like positioning the scale, securing it, and connecting necessary wiring. It is usually recommended for experienced scale technicians to do the initial installation, setup and calibration. Regular maintenance and/or troubleshooting can be done by the end user to a certain degree when it comes to feed wagon scales.

Step-by-Step Guide

Start the installation by securely mounting the scale kit on a flat, stable surface. Connect the load cells to the junction box, making sure each connection is tight to prevent signal loss. Then, link the junction box to the digital weight indicator with the interface cable.

Each load cell requires individual wiring to connect to the junction box, with the final step being the connection to the scale indicator. Meticulously following these steps ensures the feed wagon scale kit functions accurately and efficiently. This will vary depending on what device you are connecting the scale components to.

Calibration Tips

Calibrate the scale using known weights to verify accuracy over each load cell during setup. Place known weights on the scale and adjust the indicator to match the actual weight, performing this process at the same ambient temperature for the most accurate results.

Consistently checking connections and calibrating the scale helps maintain its accuracy and extend its service life. Using certified weights ensures accurate scale calibration.

Relying on scale professionals for scale calibration is advisable due to their expertise and possessing proper testing equipment such as certified test weights.

Comparing Different Models

LP7510 weight indicator

Feed wagon scale kits come in various models with different features and capacities. Some systems can support very large amounts. Central Carolina Scale offers a ‘Build Your Own Scale’ option for customization according to specific needs.

Price points for feed wagon scale kits vary based on capacity and technological features. If you’re looking for an economical choice, see the Tufner brand scale kits. The Rice Lake Weighing Systems weigh modules are available in over 20 mount styles with waterproof modules for various applications, including tank, hopper, and vessel weighing. The MTS Electronic Conversion Kit upgrades existing scale pits and weighbridges to fully electronic vehicle scales, enhancing performance at a lower cost.

Indicators in feed wagon scale kits can be mounted on various surfaces for convenient access and visibility. The RL9000TWM Series weigh module is versatile, suitable for applications like tank, hopper, and vessel weighing. Customizable options ensure farmers find the perfect scale kit for their needs.

Scale Maintenance and Troubleshooting

Regular scale maintenance ensures the longevity and accuracy of the feed wagon scale kit. Routine tasks include checking load cells, inspecting the junction box and cables for moisture or cuts and loose connections, and ensuring the digital weight indicator functions correctly. Common issues include inaccurate readings, display errors on the digital weight indicator, and failure of electronic components.

Routine Maintenance

Regular visual inspections help identify potential issues before they become serious problems. Tighten connections and set screws in the junction box to maintain accurate functionality. Ensure oil levels are adequate and check for leaks as part of routine maintenance on feed wagon scales.

Calibration and repair services are conducted regularly throughout the year based on pre-established agreements. Service providers assist in organizing and maintaining calibration schedules for regular scale checkups.

Businesses can manage scale maintenance costs effectively by budgeting a fixed annual fee covering scheduled calibrations and travel expenses.

Common Issues and Solutions

Prevalent issues with feed wagon scales include failures linked to junction boxes, often due to moisture exposure. Fluctuating readings may result from faulty load cells or moisture in the junction box. Routine checks should inspect for moisture in junction boxes to prevent inaccurate readings. Sometimes all it takes to fix a jumpy feedwagon scale is opening the junction box and carefully drying it out with a hairdryer.

Erratic scale behavior may sometimes be resolved by checking battery health. Loose connections can also cause issues; securing them often fixes erratic behavior. Error codes can guide troubleshooting scale malfunctions by referencing the manufacturer’s manual or online resources.

Enhancing Feed Management with Data Logging


Feed wagon scale kits enable data-driven decision-making by collecting valuable scale data on feed usage for operational improvements. Data loggers continuously monitor and record data, reducing human error and ensuring accurate feed management insights. Long-term monitoring of feeding trends enhances decision-making, making the feeder an essential tool in the process.

Data logging systems analyze collected data to identify feeding patterns, trends, and anomalies, helping manage supplies more effectively. The weight indicator’s stainless steel construction and multiple connectivity options, including RS232 ports and USB interfaces, facilitate data logging and system integration.

Cardinal Scale Manufacturing offers an option board that allows users to connect a USB flash drive to specific indicators, enabling easy weight data collection. Along with clear LED displays and user-friendly functions for weight conversion, filtering, and unit selection, this feature enhances the usability of digital indicators for monitoring feed weights.


Feed wagon scale kits are indispensable tools for modern livestock farming, offering precise feed management, cost savings, and improved livestock health. By understanding their key components, benefits, and proper installation and maintenance practices, farmers can optimize their feed management operations.

Embracing technology like data logging further enhances feed management, making it more efficient and data-driven. Implementing these kits on your farm can revolutionize your approach to feeding, ensuring better resource use and healthier livestock.


What are the main components of a feed wagon scale kit?

The main components of a feed wagon scale kit are strain gauge load cells, a digital weight indicator, and a junction box with homerun cable. Having these parts installed correctly ensures your scale functions accurately and efficiently.

How do load cells work in feed wagon scale kits?

Load cells work by converting the force of the weight into electrical signals, allowing for precise weight measurements that help in managing feed accurately. It’s all about ensuring you get the right amount every time!

What are the benefits of using feed wagon scale kits?

Using feed wagon scale kits allows for precise feed management, which leads to cost savings and improved livestock health. Plus, they enhance your ability to track and analyze data effectively.

How should I maintain my feed wagon scale kit?

To keep your feed wagon scale kit in top shape, do regular visual inspections, tighten any loose connections, and setup routine calibrations with your scale provider. Staying on top of these tasks will ensure it lasts longer and remains accurate!

How does data logging improve feed management?

Data logging significantly improves feed management by reducing human error and offering accurate insights, which helps you make better decisions based on long-term feeding trends. So, you’ll be able to optimize your feeding strategies effectively!