5 Reasons You Should Consider Hydrostatic Cells for Your Next Tank, Hopper, Silo, or Vessel Weighing Application

Most of the time when you think about tank scales or hopper style scales you often think of load cell mounts or weigh modules with strain gauge load cells placed under the vessel. But in today’s entry we take a look at a few of the advantages of using a hydraulic load cell instead. Out of all the weighing technologies available, hydrostatic load cells often standout as one of the most robust and dependable solutions on the market today. Let’s take a look at five of the advantages of choosing a hydraulic load cell system for placing under your tank.

Durability and Resilience 

Hydrostatic load cells are engineered with simplicity and resilience in mind. Unlike electronic load cells which contain delicate components vulnerable to environmental factors such as temperature fluctuations, moisture, and electromagnetic interference. This inherent simplicity not only reduces the risk of component failure but also enhances longevity, making hydrostatic load cells ideal for harsh industrial environments where reliability is crucial. The factory believes in the quality and durability of the hydrostatic load cells so much that they offer a lifetime load cell guarantee. 

Minimal Maintenance Requirements

Electronic load cells sometimes require periodic calibration and maintenance to ensure accuracy and performance. In contrast, hydrostatic load cells have minimal maintenance requirements. This translates to reduced downtime and lower maintenance costs, providing a clear advantage for businesses seeking efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Accuracy and Precision

Hydrostatic load cells offer exceptional accuracy and precision, even in demanding conditions. As a result, users can rely on hydrostatic load cells to deliver precise measurements with confidence, whether for process control, material testing, or other critical applications.

emery winslow tank load cell

Intrinsically Safe Design

In environments where explosive gases or flammable materials are present, safety is of utmost concern. Hydrostatic load cells offer an intrinsically safe design, with no electrical components in direct contact with the measured load. For industries such as oil and gas, chemical processing, or mining, where safety is non-negotiable, hydrostatic load cells provide a reliable solution for accurate weight measurement without compromising safety.

Cost Effectiveness 

With minimal maintenance requirements, extended durability, and reliable performance, hydrostatic loadcells offer excellent long-term value. Businesses can benefit from reduced downtime, lower maintenance costs, and improved operational efficiency, leading to a higher return on investment (ROI).

So those are some of the advantages of using hydrostatic load cells under your tank. Now to be fair there can be some disadvantages to choosing a system like this.  A hydrostatic system like this can cost more than a traditional weigh module kit with strain gauge load cells. And, installation and regular maintenance would need to be handled by a local scale company with hydraulic load cell experience. In other words, not every scale company out there has experience with this type of weighing equipment. 

If you are interested in learning more or getting a quote on a 120 Series or 136 Series. Please contact our sales department via the RFQ form on our website.  We look forward to working with you.


Static Truck Scales vs Weigh In Motion

When it comes to weighing commercial vehicles, there are two main options: static truck scales and weigh in motion scales. Both types of scales serve the same basic purpose. To accurately measure the weight of a vehicle, but they differ in terms of how they are used and their specific capabilities. 

Traditional “Static” Truck Weighing

Static truck scales are the more traditional option. These truck scales consists of a weigh bridge that’s usually around 70 feet long, that’s usually above ground and installed on a concrete foundation. The vehicle drives on to the scale to be weighed. Static truck scales are typically found everywhere from feed mails to recycling centers to weigh stations. They are used to weigh vehicles that are fully stopped.

Static Weighing Advantages

One advantage of static truck scales is that they are accurate because the vehicle is fully stopped and stationary when it is weighed, the accuracy is better than a weigh in motion scale in which the vehicle never stops. Additionally, static scales are common. They’ve been utilized for many years. Technicians know how they work and spare scale parts are readily available, and the vast majority are legal for trade.

70x11 truck scale for dump trucks

Disadvantages of Static Weighing

However, there are also some disadvantages to using static truck scales because the vehicle must come to a complete stop to be weighed. These scales can cause delays and disrupt traffic flow. Additionally, a static scale takes up a lot of room. The scale weigh bridge is usually at least 70 feet long and requires plenty of room for the truck to enter and exit. You also have to pour a large concrete foundation for the static scale to be placed on. Therefore, static scales are typically more expensive than weigh in motion systems.

Weighing a Vehicle While It’s Still Moving

Weigh in motion scales on the other hand are designed to weigh vehicles while they are in motion. These scales use sensors to accurately measure the weight of a moving vehicle, without the need for it to come to a complete stop.  

Weigh In Motion Advantages

One advantage of weigh in motion scales is that they allow for the weighing of vehicles without disrupting traffic flow.  Because the vehicle does not need to come to a complete stop.  weigh in motion scales can help to reduce delays and improve overall efficiency. Additionally, weigh in motion scales can be installed in a smaller area since the scale platform itself is only a fraction of the size of a traditional truck scale. Continue reading

Scales for Chemical Processors: Enhancing Efficiency and Safety in Chemical Weighing

The chemical processing industry plays a pivotal role in manufacturing a wide array of consumer and industrial products. From organic alcohols and petrochemicals to industrial acids, catalysts, compounds, pigments, paints, and other inorganic substances, chemical processors encounter a diverse range of hazardous materials. Ensuring the safety and accuracy of these processes is crucial for both human well-being and product quality.

One of the fundamental aspects of chemical processing is weighing equipment, which demands exceptional precision, reliability, and resistance to harsh chemicals and environments. In this article, we explore the significance of scales for chemical processors and how they enhance efficiency and safety in the chemical industry.

The Importance of Corrosion-Resistant Weighing Equipment

Chemical substances used in the processing industry can be highly corrosive, leading to the degradation of materials over time. Standard weighing equipment might not withstand the aggressive nature of these chemicals, resulting in equipment malfunction, measurement inaccuracies, and potential safety hazards. Therefore, chemical processors require specialized corrosion-resistant weighing equipment to maintain the integrity of their operations.

weight indicator

Meeting Industry Demands: A Focus on Reliability

Reliability is the backbone of any industrial process, and the chemical processing industry is no exception. The selection of appropriate weighing equipment plays a pivotal role in ensuring that processes run smoothly and efficiently. Corrosion-resistant scales, made from materials like stainless steel and other durable alloys, offer a reliable weighing solution that can withstand exposure to a variety of harsh chemicals. These scales are designed to resist rust, oxidation, and chemical attacks, prolonging their lifespan and maintaining accuracy over time.

Accurate Measurements for Quality Control

Quality control is a critical aspect of chemical processing. Accurate measurements are essential to ensure that the final products meet specific standards and exhibit consistent quality. Corrosion-resistant scales provide precise measurements, allowing chemical processors to monitor the composition of their products and make necessary adjustments to achieve the desired outcomes. This level of precision is particularly important for applications where even slight variations in chemical ratios can significantly impact the final product’s properties.

Ensuring Operator Safety

The chemical processing environment can be hazardous for operators and technicians. Exposure to corrosive chemicals and harsh substances can pose serious health risks. By investing in intrinsically safe weighing equipment, chemical processors can minimize the chances of equipment failure and subsequent chemical spills or accidents. Additionally, these scales often come equipped with advanced safety features, such as overload protection and anti-slip platforms, to further enhance operator safety during the weighing process.

cardinal scale thbc brewery tank scales

Scales for Chemical Processors

From organic alcohols and petrochemicals to industrial acids, catalysts, compounds, pigments, paints and other inorganic substances, the chemical processing industry is composed of a broad range of consumer and industrial products. To optimize chemical manufacturing and maximize chemical material handling efficiency, we offer heavy-duty weighing solutions for hostile materials and hazardous environments.

During chemical reactions and refining, exact measurements are crucial. Chemical vessels—from tabletop beakers to industrial drums and tanks—require special corrosion-resistant material to withstand the chemicals’ hazardous properties. Weighing equipment used in these processes also needs to stand up to harsh chemicals and environments.

The SURVIVOR® RL2100 HE weigh module kit is ideal for medium and heavy-capacity hostile environments found in chemical blending and batching applications. Heavy capacity kits include all stainless steel compression mounts and weld-sealed, double-ended beam load cells. The JB4SS NEMA Type 4X stainless steel junction box and 25-foot hostile environment load cell cable complete the kit.

The Rice Lake RoughDeck® HE hostile environment floor scale is specifically designed for corrosion resistance and longevity in harsh chemical and washdown environments. Constructed from stainless steel and incorporating stainless steel, IP67 weld-sealed load cells, the RoughDeck HE is ideal for chemical material processing and handling.

Choosing the Right Scale for Specific Applications

Different chemical processes have varying requirements when it comes to weighing equipment. Some applications might require high-precision analytical balances, while others demand heavy-duty industrial scales for bulk weighing. The chemical processing industry encompasses a wide range of products, each with unique properties and handling considerations.

For instance, in laboratories and research facilities, analytical balances with high precision and sensitivity are essential for accurately measuring small quantities of chemicals. On the other hand, industries dealing with large volumes of chemicals might rely on robust floor scales or tank scales to handle bulk weighing. The diversity of applications calls for a comprehensive range of scales tailored to the specific needs of chemical processors.

Innovations in Weighing Technology

As the chemical processing industry continues to evolve, so does the technology behind weighing equipment. Manufacturers are continuously innovating to meet the increasing demands of the industry. New developments include advancements in load cell technology, digital signal processing, and connectivity options. Cloud-based data storage and integration with IoT (Internet of Things) platforms enable real-time monitoring of weighing processes, allowing for quick decision-making and improved traceability.

Scales for chemical processors are an integral part of the chemical processing industry. With their corrosion-resistant properties and precision weighing capabilities, these scales contribute significantly to the efficiency, safety, and quality control of chemical processes. By investing in reliable and accurate weighing equipment, chemical processors can optimize their operations, ensure compliance with safety standards, and produce high-quality products that cater to the diverse needs of consumers and industries alike. As technology continues to advance, we can expect even more sophisticated weighing solutions to further revolutionize the chemical processing landscape.

Paving the Path of Progress: Asphalt Producers, Weighing Equipment, and the Raleigh-Durham Roadway Boom

The Raleigh-Durham area of North Carolina has experienced rapid population growth in recent years, with an influx of new residents seeking the region’s thriving job market, educational opportunities, and cultural attractions. To accommodate this exponential growth, a vast network of roads is being built, modified, or widened to connect communities and ensure efficient transportation.

However, this unprecedented demand for road infrastructure has put tremendous pressure on asphalt producers, who play a vital role in meeting the requirements for this expansive expansion.

weight indicator

The Asphalt Production Process

Asphalt, a durable and versatile material, is the backbone of modern road construction. It is made from a mixture of aggregates, binder, and filler materials. The primary aggregates used are crushed stone, gravel, and sand, while the binder is usually a petroleum-derived product. Asphalt production involves heating these ingredients to high temperatures to create a homogenous mixture, which is then laid on roads and compacted to form a smooth and sturdy surface.

The Importance of Asphalt Producers

Asphalt producers are the unsung heroes behind the seamless network of roads that underpin the Raleigh-Durham area’s growth. Their role in the development of the region cannot be overstated, as they are responsible for providing the essential building blocks for the transportation infrastructure that connects communities, facilitates commerce, and enhances overall quality of life.

Challenges Faced by Asphalt Producers

The increasing demand for new roads and road maintenance in the Raleigh-Durham area has brought both opportunities and challenges for asphalt producers. Meeting this high demand requires enhanced production capabilities, efficient logistics, and compliance with environmental regulations.

  1. Enhanced Production Capabilities: Asphalt producers have had to expand their production facilities and acquire state-of-the-art equipment to cope with the rising demand. Modern asphalt plants are designed to efficiently mix, heat, and store large quantities of asphalt, ensuring a continuous supply to meet the requirements of ongoing construction projects.

  2. Efficient Logistics: The supply chain management for asphalt production is crucial to ensuring a steady flow of raw materials and finished products. Producers must strategize to optimize transportation routes and minimize delays, guaranteeing that construction projects remain on schedule.

  3. Environmental Compliance: As the demand for asphalt rises, so does the need to address environmental concerns related to its production. Asphalt plants are subject to environmental regulations that govern emissions and the responsible use of natural resources. Producers are embracing eco-friendly practices, such as using reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) and warm-mix asphalt technologies to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

how does a load cell work

The Role of Scales in Asphalt Production

Scales play a vital role in the overall asphalt production process, ensuring accuracy and precision in the mixing of raw materials. Asphalt producers use scales at various stages of production:

  1. Aggregate Measurement: The precise measurement of aggregates is critical, as the right proportions directly influence the quality and durability of the final asphalt mix. Advanced weighing systems and load cells help ensure that the correct amount of aggregates is used for each batch, resulting in consistent and reliable asphalt.

  2. Binder and Filler Measurement: Similarly, the accurate measurement of binders and fillers is crucial to achieving the desired asphalt properties. Scales equipped with modern technology facilitate the controlled addition of these components, ensuring uniformity and adherence to specified standards.

  3. Quality Control: Scales also play a pivotal role in quality control during the production process. Producers regularly sample asphalt mixes and use scales to verify whether the mixture adheres to predetermined specifications. This meticulous quality control ensures that the final product meets the required standards for safety and performance.

The Raleigh-Durham area of North Carolina is experiencing a remarkable period of growth and development, necessitating an extensive network of roads to accommodate the rising population. Asphalt producers are at the heart of this endeavor, working tirelessly to meet the demands of road construction. 

As the roadways continue to expand, the importance of scales in the asphalt production process becomes increasingly evident. These precision instruments play a crucial role in ensuring the consistency, quality, and safety of the asphalt mix used to pave the path of progress in the Raleigh-Durham area. With continued innovation and dedication from asphalt producers, the region’s transportation infrastructure will remain robust and responsive to the needs of its ever-growing population.

Dangers of Buying Certain “Cheap” Scales Online

The article below is courtesy of Mr. Boon Lim who has been involved in the weighing industry for many years. It really hammers home the points that we have been trying to discuss with customers for literally decades! 

There are differences in quality between certain brands of scales. We’ve discussed this numerous times over the years either here in our learning center or on our Youtube channel or perhaps via phone or email with you. A lot of times it’s a balancing act between value & accuracy. Many customers don’t have the budget or the requirements for the top of the line most expensive scale… but they also don’t need to buy the cheapest scale under the sun either. Let’s take a look at what Boon found when he purchased some of the cheapest scales available online. We hope you enjoy the article below.

Have you noticed a quality shift in the weighing industry? Quality standards have
decreased significantly on consumer scales with “assembly only” operations making big
waves in the scale community. Large sellers are dominating the online retail space for
consumers, and this is not any different for scales. Whether you support the
unstoppable rise of these ecommerce giants or not, there is no denying the profound
impact associated with their operation.

So, we bought some of the “Best Selling”, highly rated, affordable scales and balances to test the quality.

Yes, with 2-day free shipping too.

Our discoveries were astounding… Continue reading

How Does a Load Cell Work?

You can step on a scale at the doctors office or buy fresh produce off a scale at the farmers market. Either way the scale you are looking at includes a load cell inside. But, how exactly does that load cell work?  What does a load cell do?  How does a load cell send weight data to a digital weight display?  Let’s find out.

What is a Load Cell?

For our example, we are going to focus on the most common load cell which is the strain gauge cell.  A strain gauge load cell is a type of device used to measure weight or force. It is commonly used in a variety of applications, such as weighing scales, process control automation, and testing and measurement. The load cell works by converting a force, such as the weight of an object, into an electrical signal that can be measured and send weight data to a computer.

There are several types of strain gauge load cells. This type of load cell consists of a small metal beam or rod, often made of aluminum or alloy steel, which is attached to a base. The beam is designed to flex or bend slightly under the weight or force applied to it.

how does a load cell work

How Do Load Cells Work?

At the heart of the strain gauge load cell is a thin, flexible strip of material called a strain gauge. The strain gauge is attached to the beam in a specific pattern, known as a Wheatstone bridge configuration. When the beam is subjected to a force, it will flex or bend slightly, causing the strain gauge to stretch or compress. This change in the length of the strain gauge results in a change in its electrical resistance. Continue reading

Truck Scale Manufacturers You Need to Consider

A truck scale is a rather large purchase for many businesses. In many cases, whether you choose a 70×11 legal for trade truck scale, or portable truck scales, or portable axle scales… Once these items are purchased and installed on a concrete foundation, it’s likely going to cost over $100,000 when it’s all said and done.

So, anytime that you invest that kind of money into a new truck scale, you would like to know as much as possible about the items and the companies who build the items. So, in today’s article we’re not going to answer questions like how much does a set of truck scales cost or how long should a truck scale last?  We’ve already answered those questions. Instead, we’re going to look at some of the top vehicle weighing scale factories in the U.S.

Who are the Top Truck Scale Manufacturers?

As we’ve established, truck scales are a relatively expensive purchase for most companies. So, you want to make sure that you make a smart buying decision.

We’ll discuss this later in more detail, but it’s also important to rely on your peers and your trusted local scale company too. For example, maybe you think that you have found the right scale, but it turns out that it actually has a load cell issue. Perhaps, it’s becoming difficult to source load cells for that scale or perhaps it’s something else.

More on the local scale company influence later….

rice lake truck scales

So, who are the best truck scale builders? In our opinion, the following scale manufacturers are the top companies in the business. And, this applies to all you fans of used truck scales too. Continue reading

Why it’s Important to Use Accurate Scales and Load Cells on Concrete Batching Hoppers

Using scales at a concrete batching facility is extremely important to guarantee the quality and consistency of the final product. In fact, it can be argued that the use of scales and weighing equipment, is one of the most critical aspects of the entire concrete production process. There are several reasons why this is the case, which we’ll discuss below.

Accurate Ingredient Mix

Using scales and strain gauge load cells helps to ensure that the correct amount of ingredients are used in the concrete mix. Concrete is made up of a mixture of cement, water, sand, and aggregate, and the proportions of these ingredients play a major role in determining the strength and durability of the final product.

If the amounts are not accurately measured, the concrete may be too weak or too brittle, which can result in costly failures or repairs down the line. By using hopper scales and load cells to measure the exact quantities of each ingredient, concrete producers can ensure that the batch is consistent and accurate. 

load cells for a cement hopper

Quality is important. But, utilizing scales at a concrete batching facility can also help to reduce waste and save the concrete company quite a bit of money. If the proportions of ingredients in the concrete mix are not accurately measured, it can lead to excess or shortages, which can result in wasted materials and additional costs. By using hopper scales with strain gauge load cells to measure the exact quantities of each ingredient, concrete producers can become more efficient. 

Load Cells for a Hopper 

Scales and weighing equipment is used at batch plants. Strain gauge load cells are installed on hoppers to weigh the elements of the mix. It is very important that any moving parts of the batching system are inspected on a regular basis for any buildup or seizing.

Furthermore, using scales at a concrete batching facility can help to improve efficiency and productivity. Accurate measurement of ingredients using scales allows for the production of consistent batches of concrete, which can be processed more quickly and efficiently. This can help to reduce the time and labor required to produce each batch, resulting in increased productivity and profitability for the concrete producer. Continue reading

Truck Scale Basics & Terminology You Need to Know

We’re going to try & help you understand all the truck scale terminology that you need to know. Especially if you’re new to truck scales.

So let’s say your business has decided to purchase a truck scale in order to determine accurate and reliable vehicle weight for your application. That’s great! Understanding fundamental truck scale basics and how a truck scale works will help you know which questions to ask your local scale distributor to ensure you purchase the truck scale style that fits your needs with the options and accessories that can enhance your application.


Whether monitoring a vehicle’s weight for safety guidelines or to complete business transactions, you should know what the info determined by a truck scale means to your business.

For example:

Gross weight is the total weight of the vehicle and loaded product.
Tare weight is the weight of only the vehicle.
Net weight is the weight of only the loaded product.

how accurate are truck scales

Today, most scales at solid waste facilities or recycling centers are installed with above ground or concrete pit foundations. Depending on state or regional requirements, scales can also be installed in a shallow pit, as opposed to the deep pit required by older mechanical scales. A pit installation requires less space than an above ground scale since longer approaches are generally required for above ground configurations. However, pit-styles require sump pumps and drains, and are generally more vulnerable to corrosion due to potential standing water.

The truck scale’s driving surface is called the weighbridge. Weighbridges are composed of steel or concrete decks, and are typically manufactured in modular designs that are connected together during installation.

weight indicator

The indicator, also called a controller, or terminal, can display basic weight functions, as well as serve as the command center for a weighing system with truck in & out programs to control the entire truck scale system, including any remote displays and ticket printers.

Load cells are vital to truck scale performance. There are various types of load cells, but they all basically have the same function—to accurately measure weight on the scale. How do load cells work, you may be asking?  All load cells take an analog measurement, and then that signal is converted to a digital output either at the load cell, junction box, or in the scale indicator. Load cells are typically constructed of steel and are integrated within the weighbridge, usually at the corners of each module.

A junction box properly manages multiple load cells. By matching the signal of each load cell and summing them into a signal that’s sent to the indicator, junction boxes equalize the system for accurate and reliable weight readouts.

Handwriting a ticket for each weighment is time consuming and tedious, and also leaves room for human error. Ticketing kiosks, scale data management software, and/or ticket printers eliminate those problems. Most states also require ticket printers and Remote Displays.

We’re going to wrap up our entry on truck scale basics and terminology.  I hope we made all this truck scale jargon a little easier to understand for those of you in the market for a truck scale. If you need some truck scale buying advice or scale recommendations, we are just a phone call or email away.  

Load Cell Wiring & Adjusting / Trimming / Summing Overview

The Basics of Load Cell Wiring and Trimming Load cell wiring and trimming are critical to a weighing system’s accuracy and should always be performed by trained scale technicians.

However, general load cell wiring knowledge can help you better understand how your weighing system works and how potential errors occur.

Load cell cables typically have four or six wires. Both versions have positive and negative signal and excitation lines, though a six-wire cable also has positive and negative sense lines. Sense lines are linked to the sense connections of the system’s indicator, sometimes through a junction box, allowing the indicator to sense a load cell’s actual voltage. If there is a voltage drop between the indicator and load cell, the sense lines send that information to the indicator, which automatically adjusts voltage. This compensates for the loss of voltage or amplifies the return signal to compensate for loss of power to the load cell.

truck scale load cell

Load Cell Color Codes

Load cell wires are color coded to help ensure proper connections. Different load cell brands use different color codes, which is why there are load cell wiring guides available for scale technicians to use during installations.

Adjusting / Trimming / Summing Load Cells

Load cell trimming is sometimes called load cell summing because it involves tying or summing multiple load cell output signals together. This happens in a junction box, also known as a summing box, which sends one system signal to the weight indicator. It’s necessary to trim load cells in a multi-cell system when the weight distribution to each load cell isn’t equal. Click the following link for more about how a load cell works.

For example, in vessel loading processes, the presence of agitators or the type of material, such as powder, can affect how material and weight are distributed to each load cell. Additionally, it’s nearly impossible to make every load cell exactly alike. Tolerances in the manufacturing process allow for some variation in individual load cell specifications, which, if trimming isn’t applied, doesn’t allow for the accuracy necessary for most applications.

Signal trimming is the most common and popular type of load cell trimming because it is the easiest to use. Signal trimming is compatible with nearly all indicators and is relatively unaffected by temperature changes or excessive system vibrations. It involves adding a relatively high parallel resistance between the signal of each load cell, which creates a leakage path that diverts some of the available load cell signal away from the indicator. More load cell signal will be available to the indicator as parallel resistance increases.

Be sure to visit Central Carolina Scale.com often for all your weighing related needs.