Internal vs. External Calibration: What to Know

When you invest in a scale, learning how to care for it and properly maintain it will ensure that you will get the most out of your investment for years to come. Since accurate readings are a huge part of its function, you may want to get familiar with calibration and how it relates to your scale. 

weight measure on the electronic balance

Whether your scale offers internal calibration or external calibration, it is important to understand what it is and how to use it. Here’s what you need to know.

Calibration: What is it? 

Over time, your scale can slowly start to become inaccurate. This could be due to use, wear and tear, dust build-up, and the like. Little by little the readings may begin to drift, being slightly off. Without calibrating the scale, however, these slight inaccuracies can become even greater over time. 

Calibration is how scales are adjusted so that they are balanced and have a high level of accuracy in their measurements. While it may not be that big of a deal for someone just looking for an approximate weight, most people prefer to have a more accurate reading. And some require a high degree of precise accuracy.  

Scales are calibrated to keep them working properly. This is something that should be done at least a couple of times each year – more often for those scales that are heavily used. 

Calibration can be done in two ways – internally and externally. 

Internal Calibration

Some scales are manufactured with internal calibration. That means there is a mechanism built within the scale that performs its own calibration. You may have to prompt the scale to verify its calibration using menu settings, for instance, but you don’t have to do the actual calibration yourself. This is known as manual internal calibration because you manually have to tell it to start the process. 

If your scale has automatic internal calibration capabilities, then it will take care of the calibration on its own at various intervals. Some are set by the manufacturer while others allow the user to change the interval frequency through the menu settings. 

Many prefer scales with automatic internal calibration because they require very little involvement – which maximizes time and efficiency in a company’s daily operations. 

External Calibration

Scales that require external calibration are quite the opposite. With this type, you will have to physically balance the scale on your own using calibration weights. 

If the reading on the scale doesn’t match the weight of the calibration weights, then you will need to follow the manufacturer’s instructions (or the instruments menu) to perform the calibration manually. This procedure will vary from one scale to the next, such as a span or a linear calibration procedure. 

You know that the scale with external calibration has been verified when the reading on the scale matches the weight being used. 

Central Carolina Scale for All Your Calibration Questions

If you are interested in learning more about calibration, have questions about ensuring your scale’s accuracy, or are interested in investing in a highly accurate and reliable scale for your business, then contact Central Carolina Scale. Our team of professionals can help you discover the best scale for your needs. 

Contact Central Carolina Scale at 919-776-7737.